Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bra alterations for cat medication

Did the title catch your eye?  I can imagine anyone just passing by might stop to see what that could possibly mean.

It's a new year and a lot of new things are on the horizon.  We'll start with my Etsy shop, EverSewSweet.  My "original" Etsy resolution was to create a new listing each week.  Well, so far I don't have any new listings in 2013, but I have a lot of things in the works.  I managed one new listing on New Year's Eve, these sweet American Girl pajamas

Tonight, while at my sewing machine, I discovered an easily fixable mistake, but it made me quit sewing in favor of a blog post.  And I've made a list of sewing projects that I need to work on, one of which popped up today.  I had a text from a recent customer who had me add straps to a strapless dress.  So she must have a strap "thing" because today she asked me to fix the straps on 13 bras.  Yes, 13.  She brought me a huge shopping bag full of bras!  Part of me says, "Bra alterations?  Did I really sign up for this?"  But the practical part of me says I need the dough.

Last Friday, one of my cat companions (I'm a cat lady, I admit it) was diagnosed with diabetes.  I am giving her insulin injections twice daily, which is going to get expensive.  But she's my love cat, my Beansie, and I will do what I have to do, including bra alterations!

Here she is, the fatty on the right.  She topped out around 16 pounds, and now weighs under 10.  On the left, is Fat Sera (yes, that's what I call her).


  1. Who knew bras could save the day! Love the kitty pic :-)

  2. See, all you needed was some inspiration! :)

  3. You never know what will come your way right when you need it! So heartbreaking about your kitty....my daughters' cat was diagnosed with diabetes also....so expensive. I wish you well with your kitty and bras!

  4. You are an awesome lady, taking care of your kitty. I love you for that!


  5. OK, trying again - Beansie is very blessed to have a mommy like you, who would alter bra straps to buy his insulin.

  6. Your cats are adorable. One of mine, age 14, needed thyroid surgery last year and now takes drops 1-2x a day. It work, but it is worth it. Cute doll jammies, too!

  7. Great post & love the title! I'm a cat person too - your cats are very cute :)

  8. Yes, your title is catchy! I'm visiting from the mid-week blog blitz on the CAST team!

  9. Such cute cats! Glad you had the opportunity to earn additional money by completing bra alterations.
